Officials: Still No Actionable Intel from Yemen SEAL Raid

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`"Related: Yemen Raid Had Secret Target: Al Qaeda Leader Qassim Al-RimiNo one questions Owens` heroism and sacrifice.
Pentagon officials confirmed that to NBC News, but other U.
officials said the information on that list was neither actionable nor vital.
Related: Yemen Raid Has Yielded No Significant Intelligence, Say OfficialsOwens` father, Bill, has questioned what was gained by putting U.
boots on the ground in Yemen, and called for an investigation.
The raid had first been proposed to the Obama administration, where officials viewed it as a significant ? and risky ? escalation.
In a dramatic moment before a joint session of Congress, Trump introduced Carryn Owens, the widow of Senior Chief William "Ryan" Owens, the SEAL who lost his life in the Jan.
29 operation.



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